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Tasks and Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Studying and monitoring the implementation of all Security Council Resolutions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter by relevant bodies in the kingdom, including resolutions related to non-proliferation of arms ‏ ‏ and threats to world peace and security. 
  • Communicating with the Sanctions Committee in the Security Council regarding all aspects related to these resolutions. 
  • Monitoring measures of sanctions implementation related to freezing of funds, monitoring measures of depositing funds in frozen accounts, and monitoring measures of making funds available or releasing of some frozen funds. In addition to giving instructions to amend a certain freezing measure or lift it, and receiving requests from persons or entities requesting de-listing from sanctions lists. 
  • ​​Studying the outcomes of implementing resolutions, specifying the consequences of their application, and studying cases of (well-intentioned parties and legal and humanitarian situations) stated in (the mechanism of implementing Security Council Resolutions related to the prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and its financing) issued by royal decree No. 10130 Dated 1- 3-1439 A,H.

  • Providing high authorities with annual reports or as needed regarding the committee’s tasks and the kingdom ‏’‏ s compliance with those resolutions. 
  • Coordinating and implementing national measures and activities that contribute to achieving compliance with Security Council Resolutions under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. 
  • Organizing or participating in public or private events such as local or international (meetings- workshops-conferences-visits), in order to advocate the kingdom ‏’‏ s efforts in the purview of the committee, and to benefit from other countries ‏’‏ experiences. ​​