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Open Data Usage Policy

MOFA KSA || وزارة الخارجية المملكة العربية السعودية

Terms of Reusing Open Data:

  • The source of the reused data must be cited by adding a link to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' electronic portal to protect the intellectual property of the data, its credibility and the validity of its source.
  • The Beneficiary shall be responsible for re-using the open data available at the Ministry's e-portal , provided that the re-use of such data must not result in any mistakes related to the content, source and date of these data.
  • The Beneficiary shall not modify the open data published on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' electronic portal.
  • The Beneficiary shall not use the open data published on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' electronic portal for political purposes or to support illegal or criminal activity or in racist or discriminatory comments, or to incite or negatively influence culture or equality or any illegal activity or activity that violates the customs and traditions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Data shall not be used in a manner that suggests that the Beneficiary is an official entity, or that the publication of such data has been specifically authorized.
  • Reading the policy or using open data on the electronic portal is an acknowledgment by the Beneficiary to abide by the terms and conditions of the open data reuse policy.

Responsibility of Open Data Beneficiarys:

  • Visitors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' electronic portal and its services must review the data usage policy to be aware about any updates.
  • The Ministry allows portal Beneficiarys to access open data, and they have the right to use this data at their own responsibility. This right is guaranteed to all Beneficiarys, and the Ministry provides it free of charge.
  • The Beneficiary of open data shall be responsible for re-using the data available at the Ministry's e-portal, provided that the re-use of such data must not result in any mistakes related to the content, source and date of these data.
  • The Ministry is pleased to receive the results of the studies through the Data Management Office to develop the system (Data Management Office email).

Responsibility of the Ministry:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not guarantee the continued availability of this data or part of it, and:

  • The Ministry shall not be liable for any damage or misuse experienced by any entity, individual or body as a result of using the published data.
  • The Ministry shall not be liable for any errors or missing data in the open data.
  • The Ministry shall not be liable for intellectual products, studies or reports based on this data.
  • The Ministry shall not be held liable for the loss or damage that may occur to Beneficiarys of this data as a result of its reuse

Open Data Publication Requirements:

  • Open Data and Information Officer Approval for Publication.